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The Publication of �Dreams in Islam�
Dreams in Islam was published in Pittsburgh, USA by Dorrance Publishing Co. Inc. under a �subsidy� agreement in November 1992.  A thousand copies were printed, funded by myself, at a cost of $10,000.  Public libraries in the UK bought a few hundred copies after my personal letter-writing efforts and pleas. I found that friends and even acquaintances expected to be given copies free.  Being generous in nature, I gave away about half of the printed books!  Newspapers and other media (such as radio stations) were obviously supplied free of charge too!  Although Dorrance had appointed a private firm �Gazelle Book Services Ltd. of Lancaster, UK- to promote sales, it was decided by the Publisher in 1994 that the book was not commercially viable and a consignment of 500 copies was sent to me at my own expense!  The book was reviewed in a few Islamic magazines and newspapers- and I was invited to talk about it on local and national radio stations � but nothing dramatic happened.  But letters from public libraries in the UK informed me that the book had been purchased, new, as late as the year 2000!  I have been unable to understand this.  So, although my book has been so popular that it has been reported as missing from so many libraries, and loan figures were generally high, Dreams in Islam did not fare too well after publication.  In all, a deficit of some $7,500 dollars was the result.  But, prior to publication, I had been assured by the Publisher that my book would be sold in the USA, Canada and the UK

.  I therefore assumed that my $10,000 investment would probably be profitable (I had written the book over eight years at a very leisurely pace, so I had a positive personal opinion of it!).  In the summer of 2001, when my Web Site, www.dr-umar-azam.com was set up, I decided to make available, without copyright restrictions, the whole of Dreams in Islam.  Guestbook entries have been quite positive to date, so internet users have, just like library users, found my book interesting and enjoyable!