In the light of Islam, what is the Muslim viewpoint regarding certain. issues affecting the ethnic minorities in Britain today?

Firstly, colour and race. A Muslim never feels inferior on the grounds that he is black or brown or yellow. This is because he knows that God has created him as He willed for the purpose of testing mankind in this respect. In Islam it is held that all men are equal. Those white people, then, who feel that they are superior mainly because they are white and because of the colonial episodes, do not allow for the notion of God as Creator -hence they are violating the ‘good’ nature of man and turning to evil. Christians, I am sure, will agree with me; the hymn "All Things Bright and Beautiful, the Lord God Made Them All ......" would seem to illustrate my point quite well.

Secondly, there is the other side of the coin. Muslims are equally capable of holding a superiority complex; these Muslims should not regard white Britons as damned and infidels, but rather should think that, after all, it was God who created these people too. Both Muslims and Christians, black Britons and white Britons, must therefore regard one another with sincere goodwill.

Thirdly, that there is discrimination directed toward the ethnic minorities, including Muslims, in the spheres of housing and employment is seen to be the case by many people in society. To counteract this, the ethnic minorities must attempt to erase their own stereotype more and "join in" in society. But for their part, the white Britons in positions of decision—making (the tgatekeeperst) — the employers, the managers, the administrators - must not discriminate along the grounds of religion especially. Why? They must understand that Muslims have certain codes of practice because they believe in God and the Last Day, because they fear a Day whose outcome will either be eternal bliss or eternal damnation and, since it is human nature to "grab the best", they are not therefore committing a crime or breaking the law in doing so. Muslims do not have certain laws so that they way be different, or so that they do not "join in" — for theni their actions are a "matter of life and death" in the next world.

Fourthly, members of ethnic minorities, Muslims included, should attempt to take a more active part in politics and decision—making, since they must represent these communities in relation to their numerical presence in society. In Islam, it is the duty of a Muslim to help the community, so that there is nothing in religion to stop Muslims doing this.

In the fifth place, differences are readily pointed out between Muslims and Christians, or other groups in society, but has anyone ever thought of the similarities? Here are just a few examples:

- Christians go to Church to glorify God because they believe in Him. For the same purpose do Muslims pray in the Mosque.

- The belief in committing "good deeds" and "evil deeds" and the belief in the Hereafter (the Life after Death), and the notions of Paradise and Hell are, similarly, common to Christians and Muslims.

- There is also the common belief that God sent Prophets or Messengers to guide mankind.

- Both Christianity and Islam are incompatible with Communism and Marxism, since God does exist and since religion is not "false consciousness" but a reality.

In conclusion, I hope that this book has given the white British reader a great deal more information about Muslim ideas, and not necessarily what Muslims ~ in real life. This is a firm grounding for understanding British Muslim participation in society. I feel that there is a rosy future for British Muslims in Britain once the initial misunderstandings between them and the white Britons have been sorted out.
