As I have already mentioned, culture is the result o:f religion. What activities do British Muslims perform and why?
These are: (a) �IMAN� or FAITH
A diagram to show that Islam is upheld by five pillars, of which faith, or belief, is the central pillar.
(a) �IMAN� or FAITH (The First Pillar of Islam)
This is a pre�conditlon for being a believer. Any non�Muslim may become a Muslim if he or she sincerely testifies that �
"There is no God but God (Allah) and that Muhammed (May the Peace of God be upon him) is the Messenger of God" -
and then practices Islam and believes in the Hereafter, Islam is not, therefore, a closed religion.
Abu Huraira reported:
"One day the Messenger of God (may peace be upon him) appeared before the public and a man came to him and said:
�Messenger of God, (tell me) what is faith?�.
Upon this, the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) replied:
�That you affirm your faith in God, His angels, His books, His meeting, His messengers and that you affirm your faith in the Resurrection hereafter�.
He again asked:
�Messenger of God (tell me) what does Islam signify?� He (the Holy Prophet) replied:
�Islam signifies that you worship God and you do not associate anything with Him and you establish obligatory prayer and you pay the obligatory poor�rate and you observe the fast of Ramadam�.
He (the inquirer) again said:
�Messenger of God, what does (devotion to God �AL-IHSAN) imply?�
He (the Holy Prophet - May the Peace of God be upon him) replied:
�That you worship God as if you are seeing Him and in case you fail to see Him, then observe prayer (with this idea in mind) that (at least) He is seeing you .........�
The Messenger believes in what was sent down to him from his Lord,
And the believers; each one believes in God and His angels, And in His Books and His Messengers; we make no division Between any one of His Messengers. They say,
�We hear, and obey,
Our Lord, grant us Thy forgiveness; unto Thee is the homecoming�.
(II 285)
Nay, but whosoever submits his will to God, Being a doer of good deeds, his wage is with his Lord, And no fear shall be on them, neither shall they sorrow.
(II 112)
It is narrated in tradition that he who meets his Lord with implicit faith would enter heaven (paradise) and the fire would be forbidden to harm him.
It is narrated on the authority of Uthman (May God be pleased with him) that the Messenger of God (May the Peace of God be upon him) said:
�He who died knowing (fully well) that there is no god but God entered Paradise�.
It is narrated on the authority of Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib (May God be pleased with him) that he heard the Messenger of God (May the Peace of God be upon him) saying:
�He relished the flavour of faith who became pleased with Allah as Lord, with Islam as code of life, and with Muhammed as the Messenger of God�.
"1 have believed in God and His angels and His Books and His Prophets and the Last Day and the decree of good and evil and Life after Death".
A Muslim has to acknowledge by heart and believe fully in the following:�
1. To believe In God, including belief in His attributes and in the fact that He is one, He has no partner, and no�one is like Him.
2. Only God is eternal and all the things, other than He, have been created later.
3. To believe in the Angels.
4.To believe in the Books, revealed by God.
5. To believe in the Prophets commissioned by God.
6. To believe in fate - that every good and bad comes from God.
7. To believe in the �QIYAMAH� (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) including the questionning and answering in the grave, punishment in the grave, being given life again after death, reckoning, weighing of the deeds and crossing the �SIRAT�.
8. To believe in the �JAHANNAM�; (the Hell) and the fact that it contains severe types of punishment and tortures and that it will exist forever.
9. To believe In the �JANNAH� (the Paradise) and the fact that a believer (MUMIN) will live there forever.
10. To have love for God.
11. To love somebody for the sake of God and also to hate somebody for the sake of God, i.e. to love those who are obedient to God and to hate those who are disobedient to God. This also includes love, with honour of the �SAHABAH� (i.e. the companions of the Holy Prophet S.A.W.) and members of the Holy Prophet�s (S.A.W.) family.
12. To have love for the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) This includes having honour for him and asking the Blessings (DARUD) upon him and following his �Sunnahs� (ways) sincerely.
13. To have �IKELAS� (sincerety), which also includes keeping away from the �RIYA� (i.e. to do an act to show others) and hypocrisy.
S.A.W = May The Peace of God Be Upon Him
14 �TAUBAH�, i.e. to repent for sins with a feeling of sorrow and shame for the misdeeds and firm determination not to repeat them in the future.
15. To have the fear of God.
16. To be hopeful of God�s mercy.
17. Not to despair of God�s mercy.
18. Thankfulness to God.
19. Faithfulness to God.
20. Patience (on sufferings).
21. Politeness, which also includes paying respect to the elders.
22. To have love and affection which includes kindness to the youngsters.
23. To be contented with fate.
24. Trust (�TAWAKKUL�) in God.
25. To give up self�conceit and self�praise which includes correcting one�s evil self.
26. Not have malice or suspicion for anyone, which also includes jealousy.
27. To be modest.
28. Not to be angry.
29. Not to deceive.
30. Not to love worldly wealth and prestige.
(b) �SALAT� or PRAYER (The Second Pillar of Islam)
"Recite that which has been revealed to thee of the Book, And establish prayer;
Surely prayer keeps one away from indecency and evil".
"And establish prayer in the two parts of the day And in the first hours of the night; Surely good deeds take away evil deeds, This is a reminder to (those) mindful (of their duty to God)"
There are a number of reasons why Muslims pray to God. Firstly, they acknowledge that He is their Lord, that they ascribe no partners to Him and that they worship Him. Secondly, they are made aware, mentally, of His presence, �tbough He be invisible) and therefore less likely to do evil deeds (they would feel guilty when doing evil in the interlude between the mid-day and the afternoon prayers, for example). Thirdly, God is so merciful that if they pray to Him, this is a good deed, and for this God will, out of His generosity, forgive them their evil deeds. Fourthly, the fact that Muslims prostrate on the ground means that they submit to God Most High, since they are not proud to do so. No doubt there are many other reasons for prayer; these, however, are the less complicated ones.
It is related in tradition by Abu Huraira (May God be pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) asked (the people):
�Will any dirt remain on the body of a person - who has a lake running very closely by the front of his door - and he takes a bath in It five times a day�?�
The people replied:
�How can any dirt remain (on a person) after he (or she) has taken a bath five times in a day?�
The Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) then said that just as no dirt remains on a body of a person after bathing five times in a day, so (in the same way) no sin remains with one who offers prayers five times daily. These prayers wash away the lapses.
Muslim prayers, as is common knowledge, are composed of a number of different postures: standing and sitting and bowing down included. Any standard book on Islam would contain information of the physical movement inv~lved in prayer; I merely wish to cite WHAT it is that Muslims read in their prayers - the content, in other words. The following is the translation of the standard contents of a Muslim prayer:
In the name of God, most Gracious, most Merciful, say:
(QURAN, 112)
(c) �ZAKAT� or POOR-DUE (The Third Pillar of Islam)
The parable of those
Who spend their wealth
In the way of God is that
Of a grain of corn: it groweth
Seven ears, and each ear
Hath a hundred grains.
God giveth manifold increase
To whom He pleaseth
And God careth for all
And He knoweth all things.
Those who spend
Their wealth in the cause
Of God, and follow not up
Their gifts with reminders
Of their generosity
Or with injury - for them
Their reward is with their Lord:
On them shall be no fear,
Nor shall they grieve.
(II 261,261)
It is reported in tradition by Abu Huraira (May God be pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) has said that whosoever gives by way of charity even such a small thing as a date, and provided that the charity (in this case the date) has been bought by lawful income, (for God likes only pure things), God would foster this charity and increase it, so that even a date becomes equal to a mountain. (That is to say, God will give the person the reward equivalent to having given a whole mountain of dates, In this particular case, in the way of charity).
Abu Huraira (May God be pleased with him) has reported in tradition that the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) has said that, every morning, two angels descend from Heaven and pray. One says, "0 God! Give wore to those who spend in good cause (charity)"
and the other says,
"0 God! Destroy the wealth of the miser!"
The Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) said to Bilal (May God be pleased with him) -
"Do not be afraid of spending and have no fear that the Lord of the Heavenly Throne will give you less".
It is reported in tradition by Abu Huraira (May God be pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) said:
"If any owner of gold and Silver does not pay what is due on him, when the Day of Resurrection will come, plates of fire will be beaten out for him; these will then be beaten in the fire of Hell and his sides, his forehead and his back will be cauterised with them Whenever these cool the process will be repeated during a day whose length (duration) would be fifty thousand years, until judgetnent is pronounced among the servants and he sees whether his path is to take him to Paradise or to Hell.."
(d) �SAU M� or FASTING (The Fourth Pillar of Islam)
"0 ye who believes
Fasting is prescribed to you
As it was prescribed
To those before you,
That ye may guard (against evil) -
(II 183)
It is narrated in tradition by Abu Huraira (May God be pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) has said that one who keeps a fast should refrain from (any kind of) obscenity. If any one quarrels with him or abuses, he should say that he is fasting, and that he will not acknowledge the abuse (or respond). The mild offensive smell from the mouth of one who fasts is better (in God�s estimation) that the smell of musk.
It is narrated in tradition by Sahal bin Saad (May God be pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) has said that one who has observed fasts will enter the Paradise by a special gate, which is named RAYYAN. When all those who used to observe fasts enter, (then) this gate will be closed and no�one will enter by it.
It is narrated in tradition by Abu Darda (May God be pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) has said that for the person who keeps a day�s fast for the sake of God, there is created (by God) a gulf between this person and the Hell whose width is equal to the distance of space between the earth and the sky.
It Is narrated in tradition by Salman Farsi (May God be pleased with him) that on the 29th of Shaban, he, the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) delivered a sermon and especially made this announcement:
�O People! A very auspicious month* is about to cast its shade over you. There is one night in this month when prayer is better than prayers of one thousand months. God has commanded fasts in this month. Waking at night (in worship) is appreciable. Whosoever offers superogatory prayers in this month will get the credit of compulsory prayers in other months and the merit of compulsory prayers of this month is equal to seventy compulsory prayers of other months. This is the month of patience, and the reward of patience is Paradise.
�This is the month of mutual help and sympathy. A believer�s sustenance is increased in this month. Whosoever provides the food, with which another is able to break fast, has his sins forgiven (by God) and is saved from the Hell. The man who gives breakfast (food before beginning of the fast) to another is rewarded like one who has kept fast and there is no decrease in the reward of one who breaks the fast�.
(e) �HAJJ� or PILGRAMAGE TO MECCA (The Fifth Pillar of Islam)
It is narrated in tradition by Abu Huraira (May God be pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) has said that whosoever performs the pilgrimage and does not commit any kind of apostacy or talk anything obscene, returns from the pilgrimage as free from sin as a new-born baby.
It is narrated in tradition by Abu Huraira (May God be pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) has said that God forgives the sins of a person who has been on pilgrimage (to His House) and also the sins of those people on behalf of whom the pilgrim prays to Him.
Abu Zar (May God be pleased with him) reported that the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) stated that the Prophet David (Daud), (in a communication with God), asked what would be the reward of those who come to visit His house (i.e. on pilgrimage). God said �"0 David, �they are otu guests. It is their privilege that I forgive them their sins in this world and when they meet me in the next world, I grant them salvation".
(ii) Dress
A typical Muslim woman in Britain is usually seen wearing a light scarf (a DOPATTA), usually slung round the neck or covering the head, a SHALWAR - rather baggy trousers, and a longish dress - a KAMEEZ. White Britons are sometimes puzzled with regard to the necessity for this type of dress. Why do Muslim women clothe themselves in this way? Here are some of the reasons:
Firstly, since the clothes are quite baggy, they are not designed to attract males � thus the legs, bosom and the body as a whole is not clear cut � the figure of the woman is not, therefore, ostentatious. Secondly, clothes reflect the character of the Muslim woman - she is morally sound (modest) and not promiscuous (I am not implying that those women who do not wear these clothes are). Thirdly, in those instances in which Muslim women do wear westernstyle clothes, these conform to religious obligations �f or example, trousers, which cover the legs.
I must emphasise that Asian women do NOT wear these clothes so that they can be identified as foreigners, or for the sake of being awkward. The reasons for doing so may be discerned from the following information:
Say to the believing men
That they should lower
Their gaze and guard
Their modesty: that will make
For greater purity for them:
And God is well acquainted
With all that they do.
And say to the believing women
That they should lower
Their gaze and guard
Their modesty: that they
Should not display their
Beauty and ornaments except
What (must ordinarily) appear
Thereof; that they should
Draw their veils over
Their bosoms and. not display
Their beauty except
To their husband, their fathers��
o ye Believers!
Turn ye all together
Towards God, that ye
May attain Bliss.
XXIV 30-31)
Ma�as bin Amr (May God be pleased with him) has said that if anyone despite his ability and resources wears simple dress just for the sake of humility, (then) Allah will authorise him on the Day of Judgement, before the whole crowd (of gatherers) to select for himself whatever role of piety he likes.
Ma�az bin Anas (May God be pleased with him) has reported in a tradition that the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) said that whosoever puts on new clothes will have all his sins if he recites the following verse:
Whoever says these words, while changing clothes will be taken into God�s care in this life and the next.
Abu Umama bin Sa�Iaba (May God be pleased with him) has reported that once the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) talking about this world, said that simplicity in dress is one of the signs of faith.
(iii) Food
it i.s common knowledge that Muslims do not eat, for religious reasons, pork or meat which is not �halal�, i.e. not dedicated. to God. This has always been the case since the days of early immigration, whether in school or factory canteens, university refectories or hospital kitchens. It is very true that eating other kinds of meat will not poison or make a Muslim ill, so why do Muslims insist that they must have a special diet?
"0 ye people!
Eat of what is on earth
Lawful and good;
And do not follo�v,
The footsteps of the Evil One,
For he is to you
An avowed enemy.
(II 168)
"0 ye who believe!
Eat of the good. things
That We have provided for you,
And be grateful to God,
If it is Him ye worship.
He hath only forbidden you
Dead meat, and blood,
And the flesh of swine,
And that on which
Any other name hath been Invoked
Besides that of God.
But if one is forced by necessity,
Without wilful disobedience,
Nor transgressing due limits -
Then is he guiltless.
For God is Oft�Forgiving,
Most Merciful.
(II 173)
Forbidden to you (for food)
Are: dead meat, blood,
The flesh of swine, and that
On which hath been invoked
The name of other than God;
That which hath been
Killed by strangling,
Or by a violent blow,
Or by a headlong fall,
Or by being gored to death.
That which hath been (partly)
Eaten by a wild animal�..
(V 4)
Jabir (May God be pleased with him) has narrated that the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) has said:
"If accidentally any morsel o:f rood drops, it should be cleaned and eaten. Do not leave it for the devil. Lick your fingers after taking food. You do not know which part of food contains divine perfusion. Whoever recites these words after taking food is forgiven for all of his past sins:
Abu Huraira (May God be pleased with him) has reported that the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) has said that a guest has the right of hospitality over his host. If the host does not entertain, the guest has a right to claim his share from the possession of the host.
(iv) Alcohol and Gambling and Drugs
"0 ye who believe!
Intoxicants and gambling,
Are an abomination,
0f Satan�s handiwork:
Eschew such (abomination),
That ye may prosper.
Satan�s plan is (but)
To excite enmity and hatred
Between you, with intoxicants
And gambling, and hinder you
From the remembrance
Of God, and from prayer:
Will ye not then abstain?"
(V 90)
(v) Women and Marriage
If Muslim men are reputedly chauvinistic, this may be so, but this does not have the support of religion, In which case those responsible are sinners. One must not treat religion and custom as Identical. It is possible to do something out of custom which is, in fact, against religion.
O ye who believe!
Ye are forbidden to inherit
Women against their will*
Nor should ye treat them
With harshness, that ye may
Take away part of the dower~
Ye have given them, - except
Where they have been guilty
Of open lewdness;
On the contrary - live with them
On a footing of kindness and equity.
If ye take a dislike to them
It may be that ye dislike
A thing, and God brings about
Through it a great deal of good.
(IV 19)
An Arab custom in the past.
In Islam, there must be mutual co�operation between husband and wife. A husband has certain rights over his wife - she must satisfy his desire, guard his property and interests and look after him with regard to housework. But the husband, for his part, also has obligations to his wife - he must look after her financially, he must protect her, give her emotional support and he must not be harsh to her.
Men are the protectors
And maintainers of women,
Because God has given
The one more (strength)
Than the other, and because
They support them
From their means.
Therefore the righteous women
Are devoutly obedient, and guard
In (the husband�s absence)
What God would have them guard.
As to those women
On whose part ye fear
Disloyalty and ill�conduct,
Admonish them (first),
(Next), refuse to share their beds,
(And last) beat them lightly;
But if they return to obedience,
Seek not against them
Means (of annoyance):
For God is Most High,
Great (above you all).
(IV 34)
Abu Huraira (May God be pleased with him) has reported in tradition, that the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) has said that good mannered (men) are perfect in faith - they always have good relations with their wives.
Samra bin Janbab (May God be pleased with him) has reported that the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) has said that woman was created from the rib of the Prophet Adam (May the Peace of God be upon him). If you try to straighten it, it will try to break away*, so a Muslim should treat her with love and affection for a peaceful life.
* It can result in Divorce.
Anas bin Malik (May God be pleased with him) has narrated in tradition that the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) has said that If a woman, on her husband�s being displeased, says to him that she will not sleep unless he is pacified and (assures him that) her hand is in his, then such a woman is entitled to the Paradise.
Umme Salma (May God be pleased with him) has reported that the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) has said that a woman is sure to get Into the Paradise if her husband is pleased with her at the time of her death.
It is He who created
You from a single person,
And made his mate
Of like nature in order
That he might dwell with her
(In love). when they are
United, she bears a light
Burden and carries it about
(Unnoticed). When she grows
Heavy, they both pray To God their Lord (saying):
"If Thou givest us A goodly child, We vow we shall
(ever) be grateful".
And among His signs
Is this, that He created
For you mates from among
Yourselves, that ye may
Dwell in tranquility with them,
And He has put love
And mercy between your (hearts):
Verily in that are signs
For those who reflect.
(XXX 21)
It is reported from Abu Huraira (May God be pleased with him) that he said: The Apostle of God (May the Peace of God be upon him) once entered to his daughter, Fatima, the bright-faced one - with whom may God be pleased - and found her grinding barley flour and weeping. So the Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) said to her: "What makes you weep, 0 Fatima?"
She answered: "0 my Father, it is because of tiredness (overweariness) from grinding the flour, and the household needs. Would that you would ask the Imam All to buy for himself a (slave) girl. That would be a great reward for him." When the Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) heard her words, his heart was touched with pity for her and his eyes overflowed with tears. Then the Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) took a seat near the hand mill, took a handful of barley in his blessed hand and said:
"In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate". Then he began to throw it into the hand mill, which then turned of itself, and he found it glorifying God �glorious and exalted is He - in a tongue most eloquent and a voice most sweet, which continued till the grinding of the flour was finished
Then the Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) turned to Fatima (May God be pleased with her) and said to her:
"0 Fatima, did God so will this hand mill would grind by itself everyday, but God � glorified and exalted is He �desires to record to your credit (the merit of) good deeds and to raise your degrees (darajat*) because of your grievous burdens. 0 Fatima, there is no woman who sweats at her baking but God will set seven trenches between her and Hell Fire, the distance between each trench and the next being the distance between heaven and earth. 0 Fatima, there Is no woman whose eyes water as she cuts up onions for the family meal but God writes down to her record the reward of those who weep out of fear of God - may He be exalted. 0 Fatima, there is no woman who sets her band to her spinning but for every thread thereof God writes in her record a good deed and blots out a hundred evil deeds.
* See "The vision of God in the next world".
O Fatima, there is no woman who twists what she has spun but will have a specified place all for herself beneath the Throne on the Resurrection Day. O Fatima, there is no woman who spins and then clothes her children and little ones but God will write in her record the merit of one who has fed a thousand hungry persons and clothed a thousand naked persons. O Fatima, there is no woman who has (tended) the heads of her children, untangled their hair, washed their clothes and deloused them but God will for every hair write in her record a good deed and for every hair blot out an evil deed, and will make her resplendent in the eyes of those who behold.
O Fatima, there is no woman who refuses her neighbours in their need but God will refuse her a drink from the stream (al�Kawthar) �Abundance� on the Day of Resurrection,
O Fatima, there are five things which it is not lawful to refuse, viz., water, fire, ~ the hand mill and a needle, while for (liberality in the matter of) each of these there is a good deed (written to one�s account).
O Fatima, whoever refuses water God will afflict with dropsy, and whoever refuses fire God will afflict with enmity between him and his family, and whoever refuses the hand mill, God will afflict with illness. O Fatima, in God�s (estimation) the most excellent of your works is that which makes your husband well-pleased with you.
O Fatima, she with whom her husband is well-pleased and who dies while he is still well�pleased with her, will have written for her by God a good deed for every hair he has on his body, and she will not depart from this world till she has seen her abiding place In Paradise, nor will her spirit come forth from her body till her Lord is well-pleased with her.
O Fatima, there is no woman who dies while obedient to her husband but God will write to her account a thousand good deeds. O Fatima, there is no woman without a husband but is like a tree without fruit. O Fatima, whenever a man looks on the face of his wife God writes to his account a hundred good deeds; if he goes on and has marital relations with her God writes to his account a good deed for every hair he has on his body and If he washes himself thereafter God creates from every drop (of the water) an angel who will glorify God, Most High, and pray for his forgiveness till the Day of Resurrection, while the merit of all this (activity of the angels) goes to his account.
O Fatima, should the woman become pregnant the angels in the heaven and the fish in the waters will pray for forgiveness for him, God will write to her account a thousand good deeds for every day of her pregnancy and blot out a thousand evil deeds, and (grant her) the merit of those who go out on Holy War in the way of God. Then when she Is delivered of her burden, she Is made clean of her sins as on the day her mother bore her, while God writes to her account the merit of seventy acceptable pilgrimages. Should she suckle her child God, for every drop of milk, will write to her account a good deed and forgive an evil deed, while the Runs (celestial maidens) in the Gardens of Delight will pray for forgiveness for her. O Fatima, whenever a woman is with child the angels in the heavens and the fish In the water pray for forgiveness for her, while God writes to her account a thousand good deeds and blots out a thousand evil deeds.
O Fatima, there Is no woman who puts on a cross face toward her husband but God is angry with her, as are all the angels and should she forbid him her bed everything moist and everything dry curses her. O Fatima, there is no woman who says to her husband:
"Shame upon you!"
but comes upon the curse of God and the angels and all men.
O Fatima, there is no woman who lightens her dowry for her husband but God will decree that for every dirham* thereof she shall have a palace in Paradise. O Fatima, there is no woman who prays and makes a petition for herself yet no petition for her husband but God will reject her prayers till she makes a petition for him. O Fatima, there is no woman whose husband is angry with her yet she does not seek to appease him so that he becomes well pleased with her but comes under the anger and wrath of God.
O Fatima, there is no woman who dresses herself and adorns her person and goes out from her house without her husband�s permission but every moist thing and every dry thing curses her till she returns to her house, and there is no woman who looks at the face of her husband and does not smile (at him) but God and the angels and all men will be angry with her. O Fatima, there is no woman who uncovers her face to anyone other than her husband but will be cast by God on her face into Hell Fire.
O Fatima, there is no woman who enters a house of which her husband disapproves but God will send upon her (in her grave) seventy scorpions from the scorpions (of the fire) �which will keep stinging her till the Resurrection Day. O Fatima, there is no woman who fasts without her husband�s permission but God will reject her fast and will accept from her no expiation or atonement. O Fatima, there is no woman who steals from her husband�s house but God writes to her account the crime of seventy thefts. And God knows best. The end.
FATIMA AZ-ZAImA by Muhammed Mustafa
Al-Adawi, Cairo).
It Is permissible to cast a glance at the face and the palms of a woman whom one Intends to marry.
It is narrated intradition by Abu Huraira (May God be pleased with him):
I was in the company of God�s Messenger (May the peace of God be upon him) when there came a man and Informed him that he bad contracted to marry a woman of the Ansar. Thereupon God�s Messenger (May the Peace of God be upon him) said:
"Did you cast a glance at her?" He said: "No".
He (then) said: "Go and cast a glance at her .......�
Translation of the Marriage Sermon
All praise is due to God and we praise Him and we beseech His help and we ask His protection and we betake God�s refuge from the evils of our animal life and from the bad results of our actions. Whom God guides there is none to misguide him and whom God pleases to lead astray, there is none to guide him, and I bear witness that there Is none to be worshipped but God and I bear witness that Muhatnmed was His servant and His Apostle.
O you who believes Be careful of (your duty to) God with the care which is due to Him and die not unless you are Muslims.
O people! Be careful of (your duty to) your Lord, who created you from a single being and created its mate of the same (kind) and spread from these two, many men and women, and be careful of (your duty to) God, by whom you demand one of another (your rights) and (the ties of) relationship; surely God ever watches over you.
O you who believe! Be careful of (your duty to) God and speak the right word. He will put your deeds into a right state for you and forgive you your faults; and whoever obeys God and His Apostle, he has indeed achieved mighty success"
Sa�ad bin Waggas (May God be pleased with him) said that the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) has said that whosoever spends his money to gain God�s pleasure and goodwill gets the credit of charity so much (so) that even a morsel which he puts in the mouth of his wife has the reward of charity.
(v) Know1edge
And say, 0 My Lord!
Increase me in knoirledge.
(XX 114)
He granteth wisdom
To whom He pleaseth,
And he to whom wisdom
Is granted receiveth
Indeed a benefit overflowing.
(II 269)
���And God will raise up in rank
Those of you who believe and have been given knowledge.
(LXIII 11)
It has been reported in tradition by Waila Bin Asqa (May God be pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) said that whosoever is successful in acquiring knowledge will secure double merit but even if unsuccessful, he will at least secure one merit. (Thus, even the labour of the unsuccessful student is not wasted).
Sanjara (May God be pleased with him) reported in a tradition that the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) said that whosoever acquires knowledge (thereby) compensates all his former sins.
Abdulla bin Masud (May God be pleased with him) has reported in a tradition that the Holy Prophet (May the �eace of God be upon him) has said that there Is no man except the two (types) who could be emulated. Firstly, the man to whom God has given wealth, and he spends it in the path of God and, secondly, the man whom God has given religious knowledge and he acts according to it and, (moreover) teaches the knowledge to others.
(BUKHARI, Muslim)
(vi) Kindness to Parents
Thy Lord hath decreed
That ye worship none
And that ye be kind
To parents whether one
Or both of them attain
Old age in thy life,
Say not to them a word
Of contempt, nor repel them,
But address them
In terms of honour.
And, out of kindness
lower to them the wing
of humility and say:
"My Lord! bestow on them
Thy mercy as they
Cherished me in childhood."
(XXVI 24-25)
We have enjoined on man
Kindness to parents: but if
They (either of them) strive
(To force) thee to join
With Me (in worship)
Anything of which thou hast
No knowledge, obey them not.
Ye have (all) to return
To me, and I will
Tell you (the truth)
Of all that ye did.
And those who believe
And work righteous deeds -
Them shall we admit
To the company of the Righteous.
(XXXIX 8-9)
We have enjoined on man
Kindness to his parents:
In pain did his mother
Bear him, and in pain
Did she give him birth.
The carrying of the (child)
To his weaning is
(A period of) thirty months.
At length, when he reaches
The age of full strength
And attains forty years
He says, "0 my Lord!
Grant me that I may be
Grateful for Thy favour
Which Thou hast bestowed
Upon me, and upon both
My parents, and that I
May work righteousness
Well-pleasing to Thee,
And be gracious to me
In my seed. Truly
Have I turned to Thee
And truly do I bow
(To Thee) in Islam.
Such are they from whom
We shall accept the best
Of their deeds and pass by
Their ill deeds: (they shall
Be) among the Companions
Of the Garden: a promise
Of truth, which was
Made to them
(In this life).
But (there is one)
Who says to his parents
"Fie on you! Do ye
Hold out the promise
To me that I
Shall be raised up,
Even though generations
Have passed before me
(Without rising again)?"
And they two seek
God�s aid (and rebuke
The son): "Woe to thee!
Have faith! For the promise
Of God is true".
But he says, "This is
Nothing but tales
Of the ancients!" *
(XLVI 15�18)
* Although the parents believe in God and Life after Death, their son doesn�t. This may be the case in some families in Britain today amongst the Asian communities.
Abu Amama (May God be pleased with him) has reported in tradition that the Holy Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) was asked by a person as to what rights a father and mother had over a son. The Prophet (May the Peace of God be upon him) said that both of them were, for him, as Heaven and Hell (i.e. that if he serves them, Paradise awaits him, but Hell awaits him if he is disobedient).